Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Sciences: Online classes from Aug 16

 Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Sciences: Online classes from Aug 16
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Manipal Aug 02, 2021: Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Sciences (GCPAS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), will start classes on August 16.

MA (Ecosophical Aesthetics), looks at all arts from an ecosophical perspective and MA (Art and Peace Studies), intends to make use of arts for international relations. BA (Aesthetics and Peace studies), combines humanities and social Sciences.

The courses will start online on August 16th. The offline classes will be started suitably.

The courses which derive their strength and essence from Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. BR Ambedkar, and many others, are committed to writing the preface for the new age said Prof Varadesh Hiregange, Director, GCPAS.
The students who study here can get into journalism, media, communication, teaching, research, international agencies, publishing, UGC, UPSC examinations, social sector, and social activities.

Those who are interested may register before August 10th, 2021, in view of ensuing classes. For more details visit

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