The program was organized by the Government of Karnataka Bioincubator, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Karnataka Innovation and Technology Society (KITS), and BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), in association with Manipal School of Life Sciences.Read More
Tags : MAHE
Cdr (Dr) Anil Rana took charge as the new Director of Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) on July 16.Read More
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) has brought out a book titled Transformation Beyond Sight - A Narrative of Experiences and Challenges in Managing Large Hospitals.Read More
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) released a book- Covid-19 A Multidimensional Response on June 30. This is the 210th publication by Manipal Universal Press (MUP).Read More
The 12th anniversary was celebrated by unveiling the new logo, website, and social media presence at the Board room, MAHE.Read More
Dr. Somashekara Bhat, Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering took charge as the Joint Director of Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) on June 21.Read More
Manipal Academy of Higher Education Pro-Chancellor Dr. H. S. Ballal completed 50 years of service in the Institution yesterday. Read More
In the 18th edition of the QS World rankings, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) was among 1673 analyzed universities and 1300 institutions from 93 countries across globe.Read More
“All services including outpatient services, inpatient services, Non-OPD specialty services, and health check-up package will be open to the public with effect from Monday," Kasturba Hospital Manipal Superintendent Dr. Avinash Shetty said.Read More
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) celebrated the life of eminent artist Katingeri Krishna Hebbar more famously known as KK Hebbar by releasing a book and two short films to mark his 110th birth anniversary at an online event - Celebrating Hebbar on June 15. Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh, vice-chancellor, MAHE released the book Life and Art of K.K. Hebbar, published by Manipal Universal Press (MUP) to mark the occasion.Read More