Tags : Astronomy

Dakshina Kannada

Moon to take ‘Super Flower Red Blood’ hue on May

The ‘full moon’ of May, also called the ‘Flower Moon’ will occur on May 26. This full moon is a ‘special full moon’ as this is the closest super moon of 2021. With earth set to ‘eclipse’ this celestial event, the moon will appear ‘Blood Red’ in some regions. The Moon goes around the earth in an elliptical path. The Earth is located at a point near the centre. This makes the Moon orbit the earth in such a way that it comes close to it and moves away in this orbit, as seen from earth. Read More


Indian Astronomers discover one of the farthest Star galaxies in

As a landmark achievement in Space missions, Indian Astronomers have discovered one of the farthest Star galaxies in the universe. Sharing this information, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh said, it is a matter of pride that India’s first Multi-Wavelength Space Observatory “AstroSat” has detected extreme-UV light from […]Read More

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