Naik and Rastogi excellence in Ph.D. thesis award for Kapil Sadani

 Naik and Rastogi excellence in Ph.D. thesis award for Kapil Sadani
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Manipal, Aug 23, 2021: Kapil Sadani, faculty in the department of Instrumentation and Control, Manipal Institute of Technology has been awarded the Naik and Rastogi excellence in Ph.D. thesis.

The award is for his doctoral dissertation: “Multimodal Sensors for Detection of Water Contaminates: Bacteria, Virus and Mercury.”

He received the award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in the 59th institute convocation held on August 7, 2021.

The work involved the development of field-deployable sensors for monitoring heavy metals in diverse analyte matrices such as food, water, and soil; detection of bacteria and viruses in the liquid specimen.

The work was performed under the supervision of Prof. Soumyo Mukherji, Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation laboratory, Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT-B.

There are exciting prospects of continuing this work forward at MAHE. The intellectual property generated in this doctoral journey comprised six patents and five publications with a total impact factor of 32.

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