EI signals ensure safe train movement at Netravathi Cabin and Mangaluru Central

 EI signals ensure safe train movement at Netravathi Cabin and Mangaluru Central

Station Master working with the newly inatlled EI system at Mangaluru Central

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Station Master working with the newly inatlled EI system at Mangaluru Central

Mangaluru, Feb 18, 2021: The Southern Railway Commissioned the state of the art Electronic Interlocking ( EI) signalling system with Dual Digital Display Units at Netravathi Cabin and Mangaluru Central along with the track doubling between Netravathi Cabin and Mangaluru Central.

This system brings absolute safety and more flexibility in train operations by replacing the conventional Panel operated Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) System at these two cabins.

Advanced Technology

  • Electronic Interlocking is a digital technology based on microprocessor.
  • Safety aspects for Signal clearance is processed by sophisticated software and microprocessor.
  • Station Master will be able to monitor and control train movements in the yard with the help of digital display monitors
  • The Digital Monitor provides a clear visual indication of engagement of track, signalling positions, setting of points, and Level Crossing gate status and train occupation in the adjacent block sections.
  • Such prompt and updated information will provide confidence for Station Masters for taking correct and swift actions.

Ensures Safety

  • The Electronic Interlocking system receives commands from Station Master
  • The commands are received through visual display unit
  • On receipt of commands, data is being collected from the yard (based on yard status) and processed by ensuring safety aspects.
  • Required route is automatically set and locked before clearing the Signal for train movement.

Maintainers terminal
Maintainers Terminal which is provided along with Electronic Interlocking System ensures recording of every movement related to the train operations. It also helps in tracking wrong movements and in analyzing failures. This can also be used as a tool for monitoring the Electronic Interlocking System on regular basis.

The Project
Southern Railway Construction Organization executed the work with the support of Palakkad Division team. The expenditure on new signalling assets is Rs.10 Crore.

Mangaluru Junction got the first EI signalling System in Palakkad Division

Electronic Interlocking with Visual Display Unit (VDU) was first introduced in Palakkad Division at Mangaluru Junction station in May 2012 (10.05.2012) during yard remodelling at Mangaluru Junction as part of the track doubling in Netravathi – Mangaluru Junction section.
Jokatte railway station functions with Electronic interlocking and Dual VDUs since its inception on January 29, 2017.

EI system Mangaluru Junction upgraded with Dual Video Display Units as part of the doubling between Mangaluru Junction and Padil in March 2020 ( 03.03.2020). The operational station Padil too got Electronic Interlocking Signalling system as part of the work.

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