Undeterred by lack of infrastructure, administration, public & politicians bravely fight COVID in Uttara Kannada

Focus Canara

While fall in the number of COVID cases is becoming a common phenomenon throughout the country and also in Karnataka, Uttara Kannada became the first district in Canara coast to record less than 100 active cases.
As of Saturday the total active cases in Uttara Kannada district was 98. Among the 12 Taluks, Ankola and Haliyal have zero active cases.
While this may go unnoticed for many, for a close observer the achievement of Uttara Kannada is a model by itself.
About a month ago, Health Minister Dr. Sudhakar appreciated the district for its achievement in controlling COVID.
A district that fought for a hi-tech hospital:
With 12 taluks and about 75 percent forest cover, Uttara Kannada is a district with many remote villages most of which are difficult to reach. People have been fighting for a sophisticated hi-tech hospital as they have to either go to Manipal or Mangaluru or the neighboring Goa state for treatment.
A 22-year-old person from Bhatkal who landed at Mangaluru International Airport on March 19 became the first COVID patient of the Coastal region.
The number increased drastically in Bhatkal, later in Haliyal and other Taluks too.
In the absence of a sophisticated hospital, many thought, it would be difficult for Uttara Kannada to control COVID. There were incidents when emergency patients (who were not suffering from COVID) were not allowed to cross the border by a neighboring district. It was at this time the elected representatives, politicians shedding party differences and officials decided to fight COVID with the cooperation of the people.
Not just wartime, Navy volunteers help during pandemic and crates history:
Like armed forces come to the rescue during war, the Indian Navy came to help the people during the fight against COVID.

INHS Patanjali at the Karwar Naval base became the first armed forces hospital to treat civilian COVID-19 positive patients.
Acting on the request by the State Government the Indian Naval Hospital Patanjali immediately started providing treatment of COVID-19 positive patients.
Minister’s help:
Minister A Shivaram Hebbar was appreciated by the people as well as by his political rivals for giving free hand to the district administration to fight the pandemic. While he provided all the help needed from the state government by talking to the concerned ministers and officials, he ensured that he did not unnecessarily intervene in the daily activity of the district administration.
However, he held regular review meetings and spot visits to ensure that the officials were active and did all that is needed to fight COVID.
Alert district administration initiates all measures:
Knowing the shortcomings, lack of infrastructure, the district administration headed by Deputy Commissioner Dr. Harish Kumar decided to make the best use of the available facilities and control the situation. Dr. Harish Kumar was confident about the help from the health and other officials and support from the elected representatives and public.
Without being disheartened the DC and his team decided to take the bull by its horns.
The major move was when the administration imposed a health emergency at Bhatkal.
While the district administration got a hint about a possible increase in COVID cases in Bhatkal and nearby panchayats, the district administration imposed a health emergency.
All the activities were restricted even before the country came under Lockdown.
Local Hospitals and PHC strengthened:
The absence of the hospital did not dishearten the district administration. While initially the patients were taken care of at INHS Patanjali, within a month the district administration converted a section of KIMS-Karwar into a COVID ward with all facilities including oxygen and ventilators.
Meanwhile, the district was also the first in the region to start COVID Care Centers in almost all the taluks. The Taluk Hospitals too were strengthened to ensure that the people living in a distant village need not travel to Karwar but instead get treatment at the Taluk headquarters.
Healthcare was taken to the grassroot level. Instead of DC or DHO monitoring all the corners, the ASHA and Anganwadi workers were given the responsibility of the people in their jurisdiction. This helped to a great extent.
Thus the absence of a hi-tech hospital did not affect the fight against COVID.
Strict lockdown:
The Village level action committees were active in the district keeping an eye on lockdown violators and also those who enter the district from outside. There were many cases where these committees alerted the district administration of strangers entering the district during the lockdown. The Committee was also given the responsibility to alert the district administration if there were any symptomatic persons.

While other states took publicity for using a drone camera to enforce lockdown, Uttara Kannada police led by Superintendent of Police Shiva Prakash Devaraju had done it during the same time without much publicity. The drone cameras and regular watch by the police ensured that the lockdown was imposed strictly.
People friendly move:
Strict lockdown did not leave people suffering. Uttara Kannada came up with innovative ideas. While people in neighboring districts were complaining of problem due to lockdown, the Uttara Kannada district administration came up with a mechanism to provide groceries and day to day needs at the doorsteps.
At Bhatkal where the lockdown was very strict, the administration provided an online medicine facility. A phonecall would bring the doctors to the doorstep. All these ensured that the people did not face any difficulty.
The health department works round the clock:
The Health Department, ASHA workers, and Anganwadi workers took the lead in the fight.

From the day the district recorded the first case, the health department worked round the clock. The DC came up with the idea of a comprehensive health survey in March and by April first week it had completed the second survey of Influenza-Like Illness. Uttara Kannada was the first district in Canara Cost to complete these surveys first. After these two surveys, another one was conducted by the BLOs.
The Anganwadi workers, ASHA workers, and health officials covered every house.
All these health surveys provided clear data about the number of people, the health-related issues of each person, and each house.
But the health department did not stop at this. Two months ago it conducted another model survey of senior citizens. Armed with a glucometer and oximeter the health and ASHA workers covered every senior citizen and collected data about their glucose level and oxygen level.
While many districts were almost dragging senior citizens to testing centers, Uttara Kannada district had a clear plan. The health department reached their houses and had clear data of their health and ASHA workers continued to keep a watch on those who needed attention.
Co-operative public:
The cooperation of the public is one of the greatest points that helped in the fight against COVID in Uttara Kannada.
The people who had confidence in the elected representatives and officials completely supported the lockdown and health surveys. Later when testing was increased, the officials gave a clear picture of the need for testing and the public supported it. The district had the highest testing rate and lowest positivity rate. This was appreciated by Health Minister Dr Sudhakar.
Uttara Kannada has the lowest number of COVID cases (14,109) and also deaths (183), apart from the lowest active cases (98).
Despite this achievement, the district administration has requested people not to take COVID lightly and requested to take all the precautionary measures for their safety and of others.