Manipal Arogya Card 2020 launched

Manipal, June 17: Dr H S Ballal, Pro Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal launched the Manipal Arogya Card 2020.
“We are observing 20 years of providing quality care at affordable costs to our community. Manipal Arogya Card was launched in the year 2000, to fulfill our Founder, Late Dr TMA Pai’s dream of making healthcare accessible to all. Through the last 20 years, we have grown increasingly in enrolling members to the scheme while providing high quality treatment at affordable cost,” Dr Ballal said after handing over the first card to Shridhar and Family.
“As a part of 20th year observation, we introduced simple card making process and pre – printed smart card will be issued to the cardholder on the spot which will be easy to carry. Quick access program has been introduced for the easy flow of making the cards. By paying a small sum as membership fee anybody can obtain membership and he/she will receive his/her investment back in the form of concessions in just two or three usages of the card” he added.
Enrollment for Manipal Arogya Card 2020 is open from today. This 20th year of Manipal Arogya Card, includes one year and two year scheme with inclusion of Durga Sanjeevani Manipal Hospital, Kateel in the scheme.
The card holder can avail benefits of Medical and Dental services across Manipal, Karkala, Mangaluru, Goa and Kateel. Card membership includes, Individual membership for 1 person, at ₹ 250, family membership includes his/her spouse and any number of unmarried children below 25 years at ₹ 500 and Family plus membership includes individual, spouse, any number of unmarried children below 25 years and up to 4 parents including in-laws at ₹ 650 which is the additional benefit. For 2 year scheme Individual scheme at ₹ 400, Family at ₹ 700 and Family plus at ₹ 850.
“The Manipal Arogya Card holder can avail discount of 50 percent on consultation fee for both specialist and super specialist Doctor, 30 percent discount on Diagnostics and Laboratory investigations, 20 percent discount on Radiology investigation, ₹ 100 on dialysis, up to 12 percent on the Medicines purchased from Hospital Pharmacy & 25 percent concession on Inpatient bill excluding consumables and packages in General Ward,” he added.
People can enroll at Kasturba Hospital Manipal, Dr TMA Pai Rotary Hospital Karkala and with our authorised Agents. For more information dial 9980854700/ 08202923748.
Dr. Vinod Bhat, Vice Chancellor – MAHE, Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, Registrar of MAHE, Mr C G Muthana, Chief Operating Officer and Dr Avinash Shetty, Medical Superintendent of Kasturba Hospital were present.