Uttara Kannada district to continue door delivery of essential goods even after Lockdown

 Uttara Kannada district to continue door delivery of essential goods even after Lockdown
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Deputy Commissioner Dr Harish Kumar at he press conference
Karwar, April 20: The Uttara Kannada district administration chalked out plans to be taken after the Lockdown is eased in the country.

Due to the coordinated efforts of the officials and elected representatives and also well-planned measures, the Uttara Kannada district has succeeded in controlling the COVID-19.
Of the 10 positive patients in Bhatkal, eight have been discharged. The pregnant woman and her husband are under treatment. They are recovering and likely to be discharged shortly.
But the district administration has chalked out various plans to ensure social distancing and prevent crowding in public places.
Door to door supply to continue: 
The district administration has decided to supply the daily needs at the doorstep of the people to ensure that there is no crowding.
The district administration has ensured the success of Lockdown by providing groceries, fruits and other basic supplies at the doorsteps. At Bhatal the district administration has provided even medical supplies and free medical service at the doorstep. Officials fear that if the people start crowding after the Lockdown, it could lead to a problem.
“We will continue to provide daily needs and groceries to the doorstep. People should not unnecessarily come to the roads. Only those people who have the necessity to travel can venture out. Otherwise we are here to provide the groceries and daily needs to the public. People should not simply gather or travel,” Deputy Commissioner Dr. Harish Kumar K told reporters during a press conference.
Construction and factory works can continue but with regular health checkups:
“The builders and contractors can continue construction work  and factories would be allowed to operate. But the people responsible should undertake thermal scanning of each and every laborer daily. Also, the contractor should ensure that the laborers are provided shelter near the construction site to ensure that they do not unnecessarily travel. All this has to be done after ensuring social distancing,” he said.
Check posts to continue: 
Police will continue to keep an eye on ever entry to the district and mark those who enter Uttara Kannada border.
Community Reporting
If people have symptoms like cold and fever they should themselves bring it to the notice of the local workers by 10 am. The throat sample will be sent to the lab by 4 pm and by next day morning report would be available.
Village Protection Committee:
A protection committee would be set up in every village. This committee would monitor the situation in their jurisdiction and bring to the notice of the health officials any suspicious cases, people with symptoms or if anybody from outside enters the village. This is an effective way as the people of the village would be the best people to protect their villages.
COVID-19 patients:
The five-month pregnant who is presently under treatment at Udupi COVID-19 hospital has recovered. However, she is under treatment for other purpose. She is likely to be discharged in a few days. The samples of patient under treatment at INHS Patanjali will be sent again. Based on the report his discharge would be decided.
COVID-19 lab:
The COVID-19 lab in Karwar is likely to be opened by May 3. Last week the government had given its nod for starting a lab at Karwar. The civil works have already started and the necessary materials are being purchased.

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