Shops to remain open till 5 pm in Dakshina Kannada

Mangaluru, July 01, 2021: Considering the consistent declining trend of the Covid positivity rate in the district, the state government has included Dakshina Kannada district under Category I districts.
An order in connection to this was issued by the government today.
As per the order all additional activities permitted for Category I districts will apply to Dakshina Kannada district also with immediate effect and will be in force up to 5 am of July 5.
DK DC Dr Rajendra K V said that all the activities will be allowed in the district as per the guidelines of the state government till 5 pm on weekdays.
Weekend curfew and Night Curfew will continue.
In Weekend curfew only essential items like milk, fruit vegetables meat fish shops will be open from 6am to 2pm. (Both groceries and vegetables are included in food category).
The Order:
A. Night Curfew will continue to be imposed from 7 pm to 5 am in the State as per the guidelines annexed as Annexure A.
B. There shall be weekend curfew from Friday 7 pm to Monday 5 am in the State as per the guidelines annexed as Annexure B.
C. Buses permitted to operate with 50% of the seating capacity, strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. No travel by standing allowed.
Activities allowed in the district.
- All production units/industrial establishment/industries are permitted to function with 50% of their staff strength strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. However, production units/industrial establishments/industries engaged in Garment manufacturing are permitted to function with 30% of their staff strength strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour.
- All Shops without any distinction between essential and non-essential goods/services allowed to function outside containment zone from 6 am to 5 pm strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. However, air-conditioned shops, air-conditioned shopping complexes, malls, are not permitted to function. Home delivery of all items shall be encouraged 24×7 to minimize movement of individuals outside their homes. Operations shall be subject to adhering to National Directives for COVID 19 management.
- All hotels, restaurants, eateries, bars and clubs allowed to function from 6 am to 5 pm for in-dining with 50% capacity strictly adhering to COVID 19 appropriate behaviour and no liquor will be permitted to be served while in-dining. Home delivery is permitted 24/7. However, hotels, restaurants eateries, bars and clubs with air-condition are not permitted to operate. Further Pubs are not permitted to function. Hospitality services (lodging, resorts, etc) allowed to function with 50% of its occupancy strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour and SOPs issued by the concerned department.
- Only outdoor film/television-serial related shooting permitted strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour.
- All Construction activities/ civil repair works including shops/establishments dealing with construction material, permitted outside containment zone adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour.
- Parks permitted for walking and jogging purpose from 5 am to 6 pm strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behavior, but no group activities will be permitted.
- Non air-conditioned Gymnasiums permitted to function with 50% of its capacity strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour and guidelines/SOPs issued by concerned departments.
- Taxis, and auto rickshaws are permitted to operate and can carry maximum of 2 passengers only.
- All outdoor sports activities allowed without spectators strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour and SOPs issued by the concerned departments.
- All Government and private offices are permitted to function with 50% of their staff strength strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. However, offices dealing with essential and emergency services are permitted to function as per their requirement. Where ever possible Work from Home should be encouraged
- Skill trainings pertaining to Health Sector, including Solid Waste Management, permitted.
- 12. Following Covid guidelines weddings allowed at halls, choultries, hotels, resorts and other places (with only 40 people).
- Five people allowed to attend Funeral.