Need to observe World Forest Day and Water Day throughout the year

We are celebrating World Forest Day today and World Water Day tomorrow… But I feel forest and water conservation should not be limited only for these two days. The need is to observe them throughout the year.
To conserve water, the rainforest (Shola forest), the source of the rivers in the Western Ghats, should be protected. But that is not all. For the conservation of Shola forest, the prairie of the hilltop which supplies water to the rain forest too has to be preserved. Only when these two are untouched, the rivers originating in the Western Ghats would be able to supply water throughout the year.
Above is the photograph of Western Ghats- a biodiversity hotspot. If you carefully see this picture, you can observe that there is no forest at the top of the hill but it is covered just by grassland. This grass-cover is the protection of the hill, as the skin for the human being.
Nestled between two hills is the dense evergreen Shola forest. The grassland feeds rainwater to the Shola forest. The Shola forest which stores water in the inner layer keeps the streams alive until the rainy season.
From ant to elephant, grass to sky-rising trees and from algae to fungi are the protagonists of forest and river life.
Thus only if the grassland and Shola forest are protected, we can lead a happy life.
As these grasslands and Shola forests are damaged, we witness natural disasters like landslides, floods, droughts, and floods.
Our wretched politicians who give roaring speech on preserving water, allow the mafia to destroy forest and river base in the Western Ghats.
We are voting corrupt politicians and indirectly are part of forest destruction.
Today we are silent when Mother nature is in tears!! Nobody understands the importance of a mother when she is alive!
Careful! there is a terrible situation ahead when we and our future generations will have to suffer.
Mr Dinesh Holla
(Mr. Dinesh Holla is an environmentalist and convener of Sahyadri Sanchaya)