Active: 3,63,749 Discharged: 92,90,834 Deaths: 1,42,186 Karnataka: Active: 19,225 Discharged: 8,66,664 Deaths: 11,912Read More
Bengaluru, Dec 11, 2020: In a daring midnight joint operation, the Indian Coast Guard along with the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seized gold from a fishing boat sailor at the Gulf of Mannar. The officials onboard Indian coast guard ship C432 seized 9.7 Kgs of gold from a fishing boat sailor of Manali Tivu […]Read More
New Delhi, Dec 11, 2020: Scientists have found that aerosols like black carbon and dust, which makes the Indo-Gangetic Plain one of the most polluted regions of the world, have led to increased incidents of high rainfall events in the foothills of the Himalayan Region. The Indo-Gangetic Plainis located South and upwind of the Himalayan […]Read More
New Delhi, Dec 10, 2020: BSNL, in partnership with Skylotech India, announced today a breakthrough in satellite-based NB-IoT (Narrow Band-Internet of Things), in pursuance of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modis vision of a truly Digital India starting with fishermen, farmers, construction, mining andlogistics enterprises. With this solution, India will now have access to a ubiquitous […]Read More
New Delhi, Dec 10, 2020: Defence Research and Development Organsiation (DRDO) designed 5.56×30 mm Protective Carbine has successfully undergone the final phase of user trials on December 7, 2020 meeting all the GSQR parameters. This has paved the way for induction into the services. This was the last leg of trials in a series of […]Read More
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Active: 3,72,293 Discharged: 92,53,306 Deaths: 1,41,772 Karnataka: Active: 23,075 Discharged: 8,61,588 Deaths: 11,900Read More
₹ 4,509 crore additional borrowing permitted to Karnataka on account of implementing One Nation One Ration Card system Read More
Active: 3,78,909 Discharged: 92,15,581 Deaths: 1,41,360 Karnataka: Active: 25,034 Discharged: 8,58,370 Deaths: 11,880Read More
CANARA XTRA New Delhi, Dec 08, 2020: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the virtual India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2020 today. IMC 2020 is being organised by the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, and the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). It will be held from 8th to 10th December 2020.Read More