Srinivas College of Pharmacy Hosts National Conference on Clinical Training and Patient Safety

Mangalore, May 16, 2024: Indian Pharmaceutical Association, D.K District Local Branch, Mangalore in association with Srinivas College of Pharmacy has organised two day National conference with theme “Innovative Practices in Clinical Training & Patient Safety” on 17th and 18th May 2024.
On 17th May 2024 the conference was inaugurated by Dr. CA A. Raghavendra Rao, President, A. Shama Rao Foundation, Mangalore Chancellor, Srinivas University, Mangalore while addressing the gathering he said that patient safety starts from safe drugs and their precautionary use, to achieve this goal not only pharmacy professionals responsible but also with cooperation with other healthcare professionals.
Chief guest, Sri. T P Sujith, Deputy Drugs Controller, Govt. of Karnataka, Mangalore he said Pharmacists, being drug experts and guardians of safe and effective use of medicines, have an important role in not only detecting, reporting and monitoring of ADR’s but also preventing ADR’s. He has released Conference Abstract book and a book of compilation of published research articles 2023 on this occasion.
Guest of honor, Dr. Ajit Singh, Founder and CEO at Curio and Cli.Med Research Solutions, ICMR Research Scientist, Kasturba Medical College, MAHE Manipal, Udupi he said that the goal of the challenge is to gain worldwide commitment and action to reduce severe, avoidable medication related adverse effects. By identifying and analyzing adverse drug reactions, researchers can develop safer drugs and improve existing once.
Dr. A.R. Shabaraya, Principal Srinivas College of Pharmacy and President, IPA local branch, Mangalore welcomed the participants and introduced the guests he said that Hospital based ADR monitoring and reporting programmes are essential to identify and quantify the risks associated with the use of drugs provided in a hospital setting.
Sri. Udaykishore P & Sri B.N Babu Assistant Drugs Controller, Dr. Grace Mary John, Infectious diseases Clinical Specialist &Chief Clinical Pharmacist, Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala were present during the programme.
This conference had oral and poster scientific sessions. More than 500 original scientific papers were presented in the poster scientific session. Apart from this, conference also conducted quiz and Patient Information Leaflet completion (PIL) on patient safety.
More than 550 delegates had participated in the conference. Dr. Padmavathi P Prabhu, Professor,
Ms. Fmith Celvia Miranda anchored the programme. Dr. EVS Subrahmanyam, Professor, Srinivas College of Pharmacy and Vice president, IPA, Mangalore proposed vote of thanks.