Sight-a-thon 2023 to Mark a Stride Towards Eye Donation Awareness

 Sight-a-thon 2023 to Mark a Stride Towards Eye Donation Awareness
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Manipal, September 2, 2023: In a remarkable initiative to promote awareness about eye donation and commemorate the 38th National Eye Donation Fortnight, the ‘Sight-a-thon 2023’ blindfolded walk is set to take place today at 5 pm. This unique event aims to shed light on the importance of eye donation and encourage people to pledge their eyes for a noble cause.

The event will kick off with great enthusiasm and dedication, thanks to the presence of distinguished personalities, including MAHE Pro-Chancellor Dr. HS Ballal, Vice Chancellor Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor-Technology and Science Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, and SAKSHAM Drusti Prakost National Coordinator Vinod Prakash R.

Organized by the Manipal School of Information Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), in collaboration with the Kasturba Hospital’s Department of Ophthalmology and SAKSHAM Karnataka, this walkathon is expected to draw participants from all walks of life.

The ‘Sight-a-thon’ route will take participants from the entrance of the building to the Sharada Madhav Pai OPD Block of Kasturba Hospital, covering a significant stretch of Manipal.

This event holds special significance during the National Eye Donation Fortnight, as it underscores the critical need for eye donation to provide sight to those in need. Every year, countless people suffer from blindness due to various eye diseases and conditions, and eye donation can make a profound difference in their lives.

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