Increased Surveillance along Karnataka Coastline

 Increased Surveillance along Karnataka Coastline
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Mangaluru, April 12: The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) has enhanced surveillance along the coastline of Karnataka.

The ICG has tasked its Offshore Patrol Vessel for a prolonged and extensive surveillance from coastline to EEZ patrol. In addition, Interceptor Boats and IC are being deployed for near to coastline patrol upto Kasargod in South and off Karwar in North for ensuring fool proof security of the uninhabited islands as well as preventing any unwarranted landings in shoreline.

The amphibious Hovercrafts have been deployed for near to coast patrol throughout coast. The amphibious crafts facilitate smooth execution of search and rescue operations and security cover over land and riverine route.

The Coast Guard OPV and interceptor boats are continuously maintaining seaward patrol.
The Coast Guard is also maintaining electronic surveillance through Coastal Security Network (CSN) system.

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