Uttara Kannada district administration comes to help needy, shelterless and homeless

 Uttara Kannada district administration comes to help needy, shelterless and homeless
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Karwar, March 28: 
The Uttara Kannada district administration which took the initiative in providing door to door groceries has now come out with yet another new initiative.
The district administration has now taken the responsibility of helping those who need food, shelter and also food grains. 
“Helping every individual is our responsibility and we would take all the necessary steps. For those who are in need of food for their survival,  arrangements will be made in the nearby Anganavadis,” Deputy Commissioner Dr. K Harish Kumar told https://thecanarapost.blogspot.com/ .
“They have to register names with Rajendra Bekal, Deputy Director (9880301250) over the phone. We will intimate about the nearby Anganwadi from where they have to collect food. They can come to the Anganwadi with a container and take the prepared food,” he said.
Dr. Harish Kumar agreed that initially there could be some difficulty and thus has asked the cooperation from the citizens.
The district administration has chalked out plans to help the shelterless, homeless and those suffering from an acute shortage of food grains. Arrangements have been made in all Social Welfare and BCM hostels to provide shelter as well as food there.
“The needy have to contact Mr. Purushotham, District Social Welfare Officer, (9483886886) or Mr. Badiger- (9448508383). I request the general public to bring to the notice of such persons to our officers by contacting these numbers,” he added.

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