Handle lockdown status with humanity: Madhav Nayak

“Prime Minister Modi’s decision to lock down the country for 21 days to control Coronavirus is really commendable and people need to cooperate fully with this task which is in the interest of the nation.
But I feel that the success of the lockdown also requires Cops to handle the situation with humanity.
The decisions taken by the district administration to deal with the present situation are commendable.
Meanwhile, everyone has to appreciate the police who are working round the clock risking their health and life. We have seen many police officials and personnel who have helped many people.
But it is sad that in some places police have assaulted those innocent people who had come to collect emergency medicines and groceries.
The police have the authority to correct and punish the people when they make mistakes. But the current state of affairs needs to be understood.
When the elderly and the needy are alone in the house, people have to come to the market to get the necessary supplies. The police should inquire about the reason and check the facts. It is my opinion that the top officials will also give necessary directions to the staff about this.
Mr Madhava Nayak,
(Mr Nayak is a social activist and President of Janashakthi Vedike, Karwar).