Tags : Jasmine

Flower Market

Mallige market

Udupi Mallige (Jasmine) today’s price: ₹ 950 (Yesterday: ₹ 730) Jaaji today’s price: ₹ 130 (Yesterday: ₹ 150) (The price mentioned here is fixed by Mallige Belegarara Sangha. Market price may differ.) Read More


COVID ‘locks’ and ‘seals’ Jasmine’s fate

Udupi, July 18: Lockdown and Seal down in the coastal districts seems to have again dragged down the Udupi Mallige market. The Shankarpura Mallige also called Udupi Mallige is the GI tagged unique jasmine grown in and around Shankarpura village, about 15 km south of Udupi. This verity of Jasmine has cultural as well as […]Read More

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