International Day of Yoga at Karwar Naval Base

 International Day of Yoga at Karwar Naval Base
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Yoga onboard INS Vikramaditya

Karwar, June 21, 2021: The 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) was celebrated by all units at Karnataka Naval Area today, with the theme “Be with Yoga, be at Home.”

In view of the COVID-19 regulations, Yoga sessions were undertaken in a customised manner at respective units for in-living personal and at respective homes for married personnel and families to ensure cohorts and unit-safety bubbles.

Live Yoga sessions conducted during the early morning hours for all personnel of Naval Base saw active participation of nearly 2,500 personnel including officers, sailors, civilians and families under the tutelage of trained in-house experts and common yoga protocol promulgated by Ministry of Ayush.

The yoga event was conducted to promote Yoga awareness, embody the unity of mind and body, thought and action and to encourage daily practice of Yoga through Namaste Yoga App launched by Gol and virtual Yoga session being offered by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga.

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