Chief of the Naval Staff visits Karwar Naval Base

 Chief of the Naval Staff visits Karwar Naval Base
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Karwar, Oct 22: Admiral Karambir Singh, Chief of the Naval Staff visited Karwar Naval Base on October 22.

He was received by the Admiral Superintendent of Yard (Karwar) and the Chief Staff Officer of the Karnataka Naval Area.

During the visit, the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) addressed officers and sailors at Karwar and complimented the contribution of the Naval Base towards sustaining high levels of operational tempo as also that of Naval Ship Repair Yard (Karwar) in providing maintenance support and repairs to ships and submarines during COVID-19 lockdown period.

He commended the contribution of INHS Patanjali for being the first Armed Forces hospital in the country to treat civilian COVID-19 positive patients. The patients from Uttara Kannada District were provided quality care leading to their speedy recovery.

The CNS stressed upon the prevailing security scenario and highlighted the need to keep the ‘guard up’ against both the security threats as well as against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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