Special trains carrying migrant labourers leave from Mangaluru to Bihar and UP

 Special trains carrying migrant labourers leave from Mangaluru to Bihar and UP
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Each carried about 1,140 migrant labourers

Mangaluru: As the train chugged, their happiness knew no bound. The wait had finally ended. This was the day they were eagerly waiting for. They were inside the train to go to their village.  The train carried about 1,140 migrant labourers who left for Uttar Pradesh on Sunday.

As per the schedule, one train each left to Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar from Mangaluru Junction railway station carrying labourers on Sunday afternoon.

Both trains carried about 1,140 about who were stranded in Mangaluru.
The district administration had planned a method these labourers had to be picked and sent to the railway station.

About 23 buses were arranged for this purpose. Those going to Uttar Pradesh were picked from places like Bunder, Kandat Palli, Kudroli, Kankanady, Ullal and those to Bihar boarded from Panambur and Jokatte areas.

Every bus was under the supervision of a district-level officer. He was assisted by a Village Accountant and two police. The entire operation was supervised by Deputy Commissioner Sindhu B Rupesh. All safety and security measures were taken by the district administration.

Details of every passenger were collected and their health checkup was conducted by a health team.
About 20,000 labourers in the Dakshina Kannada district have applied to return to their states. Of this, about 5,000 have applied to go to Bihar and 3,000 to Uttar Pradesh.

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