Three Cheers to the unsung heroes- Anganwadi Workers and Paura Karmikas

 Three Cheers to the unsung heroes- Anganwadi Workers and Paura Karmikas
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Karwar, April 01: She was standing right in front of the century-old bungalow. The Anganwadi worker very well knew who she would speak to in a few seconds. But here she was part of her duty. 
As soon as the doors opened, Uttara Kannada District Deputy Commissioner Dr. K Harish Kumar was right in front of her. Though for a second she did not know how to start, she soon managed and told him that she was there to create awareness about the COVID-19 as part of her duty.
The entire operation of COVID-19 is monitored by the Deputy Commissioner of a district. He issues several orders as the District Magistrate. But here the Anganwadi worker was at his house to create awareness about COVID-19 to him!
Though it may sound absurd, both the duty-bound officers knew that it was as per the procedure.
At that juncture, she was an Anganwadi worker and the DC was a resident of the district. 
She went inside and sat next to the DC and gave all the information about COVID-19 and also collected the necessary details and left.
This is just an example of one Anganwadi worker among the 2,000 who toil day and night in Uttara Kannada district at the time of the COVID-19 crisis.
These silent heroes who go door to door to create awareness and collect details under the scorching sun, walking several miles, climbing hills, crossing streams, and forests go unnoticed. 
About 75 percent of Uttara Kannada district is covered by forest. In rural areas, the houses are situated at a distance from each other.  
In addition to this, it is not an easy task for these workers as during the door to door visit they may come into contact with the COVID-19 patients or their primary contacts.
“We are happy sir that we are doing our bit to society. It is indeed a risky task. But we are happy,” Saraswathi (name changed), an Anganwadi worker said.
Another team of unsung heroes is the ‘Paura Karmikas,’ who are busy cleaning. People thank especially those who are working round the clock in spraying disinfectants in and around the residence of the COVID-19 positive patient and their contacts. 
Their service is being appreciated by the people of Bhatkal and also among the officials.

While we appreciate the health workers in their fight against COVID-19, we must give three cheers to Anganwadi workers and the Paura Karmikas.

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