MoU signed between Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda and Government of Gujarat

 MoU signed between Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda and Government of Gujarat
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New Delhi, July 16, 2021: An MoU was signed between Jamnagar based Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (ITRA) under Ministry of Ayush and the Government of Gujarat in the presence of the Deputy Chief Minister of Gujarat Nitinbhai Patel and Secretary, Ministry of Ayush Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha on July 15.

Through this MoU all the institutions functioning in the Ayurveda campus in Jamnagar have been brought under the umbrella of ITRA, the only institution under the Ministry of Ayush that has been accorded the status of Institute of National Importance (INI). Underlining the importance of the MoU, Nitinbhai said that this will pave the way of the strengthening of the education system in all branches of Ayurveda.

The MoU was exchanged between the Director, ITRA, Prof. Dr. Anup Thakar and H.P. Jhala, I/C Registrar, Gujarat Ayurveda University.

“This arrangement will result, in due course, in the opening of new doors in the fields of education, research and medicine,” said the Deputy CM on the occasion of the signing ceremony. It is hoped that in the field of Ayurveda, it will be easier to prepare new teaching, medical and research methods and the study-research process will be intensified, expanding the overall scope of Ayurveda education and research.

 Addressing the gathering, Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha said that in the field of Ayurveda, it will be easier to prepare new teaching, medical and research methods. He said that the study and research process can be made more in-depth and ITRA will be an exemplary institution for Ayurveda education and reshaping research institutes across the country.

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