EPFO extends time limit for Pensioners for submission of Jeevan Pramaan Patra

 EPFO extends time limit  for Pensioners for submission of  Jeevan Pramaan Patra
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New Delhi, Nov 28, 2020: In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the vulnerability of elderly population to Corona Virus, EPFO has extended the time limit up to 28th February 2021 for submission of Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan Patra-JPP) in respect of the Pensioners drawing pension under EPS 1995 and whose Life certificate is due in any month till February 28, 2021. Presently a Pensioner can submit JPP anytime during the year upto 30th November,  which is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue.

All such pensioners can submit Life Certificate till February 28, 2021. Multiple modes for submission of JPPs including 3.65 lakh Common Service Centres (CSCs), Branches of Pension Disbursing Banks 1.36 lakh post offices, Postal Network of 1.90 lakh Postmen and Grameen Dak Sevaks under the Department of Post can be availed by pensioners.

Pensioners can use link for locating the nearest CSCs (https://locator.csccloud.in/) and link for placing online request to Post Offices for submission of JPPs from comfort of their Home or elsewhere (http://ccc.cept.gov.in/covid/request.aspx).

Santosh Gangwar, Union Minister of Labour & Employment while lauding the efforts of EPFO said that organisation has done a commendable work in helping pensioners by way of simplifying procedures and giving Big Push to Digital india drive and has also extended time limit upto 28th February 2021, for submission of  Jeevan Pramaan Patra  by EPFO to benefit 35 Lakh pensioners.

Shri Gangwar also said,  during this extended period, pensions will not be stopped in respect of such 35 Lakh Pensioners who could not submit JPP during November, 2020.

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