Uttara Kannada district starts issuing e-Passes with QR Code

 Uttara Kannada district starts issuing e-Passes with QR Code
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Karwar, April 21: In a move to check fake passes in the district, the Uttara Kannada district administration has come out with an innovative idea.

From Monday 5.30 pm onwards officials have started issuing e-Passes with QR Code.

Passes are issued for those who want to venture out on emergency work during Lockdown.  But in many places including cities like Bengaluru, there are incidents where people produce fake passes and venture out. Knowing the authenticity is a difficult task for officials.

To solve this problem, the Uttara Kannada district administration has come out with a QR code-based e-Pass facility, the first of its kind in the region.

Uttara Kannada is already issuing e-Passes designed by district NIC team.

“Now we have added the feature of QR-Code. It will help our officials to test the authenticity of the pass. Nobody can cheat us as the officials checking passes can easily check it with the use of their smartphones,” Uttara Kannada Deputy Commissioner Dr. K Harish Kumar told The Canara Post.

Knowing the authenticity is very easy through this QR code and there is no need for any separate app or program.

The officer who is checking the pass has to place his mobile camera on the code and press ‘scan.’ The next option would be ‘Go to Website.’ Once the Captcha is entered all the details of the pass-holder are displayed on the mobile.

The screen will show the photo of the pass holder, his name, age, the issuing officer and also if there is any co-passenger traveling with the person.

More importantly, details like the departure and destination and also the validity of the pass is shown. This will ensure that the pass is not used outside the limits or after the specified date.

The Deputy Commissioner has asked the officials to bookcase against those who cheat.

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