Their victory qualifies them for the national round of the competition, NEOCON 2024Read More
Tags : Kasturba Hospital
The Walkathon began at Board High School in Udupi and concluded at Dr. TMA Pai Hospital, covering key routes through KM Marg, Udupi Court, and Jodukatte Circle. Over 500 participants, including medical professionals, students, and families of palliative care patients, took part in the event.Read More
As part of the event, a ceremonial handover of the textbook to the KMC library and to the Department of Ophthalmology was conductedRead More
Dr. Padmaraj Hegde, Dean of KMC Manipal, lauded Dr. Shirley' achievement.Read More
As part of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the hospital illuminated its fountains in gold on September 14 to highlight the curability of childhood cancers if detected early and treated by the right medical team.Read More
At a special event organised today, Ms Kripa Dsouza, Regional Director of Finance ASPAC at QuidelOrtho, presented a memento to the COE team, acknowledging their long-standing association and remarkable contributions to advancing immunohematology in India.Read More
This state-of-the-art retinal imaging system, developed by ZEISS, promises to revolutionize eye care, particularly for patients having diabetes and hypertension.Read More
In response, over 1,000 students from KMC, along with faculty members and staff, gathered to participate in the silent candle march. Read More
In a remarkable medical advancement, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, has successfully performed an innovative endoscopic procedure known as Endoultrasound-guided Gastrojejunostomy (EUS-GJ).Read More
Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that relocates hair follicles from areas with dense growth, typically the back or sides of the scalp, to regions experiencing hair loss.Read More